
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How SFA can Eradicate Sales Problems

The  technique of using  software,  so as to,  automate the  business  task  of  sales,  including  order  processing and tracking,  contact  management  and control, , customer management, sales forecast  analysis  and employee  performance  evaluation  is termed as Sales  Force  Automation (SFA).  SFA (Sales  Automation  Software) is also referred as Customer Relation Management (CRM), typically  includes  a Web-ready database, an email  package and customized  templates, so as to reduce programming  demands on clients, though can be customized. It helps in making the sales process more efficient and effective. In order to enhance customer satisfaction, building trust, revealing up selling and cross selling opportunities, making the sales more productive as well as pleasant experience, SFA plays an important role
SFA, facilities sales, in the following ways:

 1. Keeping our promises-Most of the customers, face a common problem with most of the companies, stated, what they say is not equivalent to what they practice. Though, not intended by the company, to eradicate its promise, happens because many-a-times the companies tend to forget, what was said earlier by them. This makes a negative impact of the company on the customers. If repeated several times, the customers hesitate to do business with the company. SFA helps in solving this issue. It keeps a note of what was said, as it is entered in the system, as and when discussed with the customer. A promise to call a customer on a particular day or to update the stock, according to customer's needs, can be recorded for later reference. It not only remember things, but also records actions of different individuals from different departments of the company and makes sure the passing of messages between different departments is done in the correct manner. It makes sure, that laziness, does not results in forgetting the promises done by different representatives of the company with different customers at different times. A note of things told to the customers can be maintained in the system and a reminder can be set. 

2. One  organization, one voice - In an organization, anybody speaking, is considered to be on behalf of the organization, and an organization being a single entity, all the information coming from it, though coming from different person in the organization, should coincide. It leaves the customers confused and they tend to undervalue the organization and its sayings. So, people from one department, should have clear idea of things told by a personnel from other /same department. SFA, facilitates the same, by keeping a record of information given by company personnel, thus building trust among customers.

Likewise, stating different things, at different times leaves a negative impact on the customers. For example, promising delivery of a product on a particular day, later found to be out of stock or one employee giving some information about the product and other employee giving some other contradictory information, all these leads to confusion and mistrust of the customer. SFA eradicates these problems. It, as a basic storage of information, saves it, thus giving an opportunity to all the staff members to access it, as and when needed. It stores information related to current orders, any unsolved issues, promises, etc. so as to maintain one voice within organization. 

3. Knowledge about customers - A knowledge about the customers is of utmost importance for the organization and as it not always possible to remember it, SFA (SalesForce Automation) provides a reliable platform for storing such information, in order to facilitate intensified customer relationships. The customer expects the interaction system within the departments to be a strong one, so as to, sales department to be aware of things going on in the service department. SFA plays a vital role in this aspect, as all the information related to customer are stored at one place, it becomes easy for company personnel to go through it and hence contact and discuss with the customer, as needed. Things like status of the order, outstanding issues, order history, etc. can be easily and safely stored for future reference.  Personal information about customers related to their birthdays, anniversary, and family members can also be stored, and can be further utilized for enhancing relationship with customers. \

4. Getting know to customers - Many a times, dealings with customers becomes quite irritating for sales representatives, as they have to introduce themselves and the products time and again. SFA helps finding a solution to these issues. It also reminds us of sending messages, email and/ or using other means, to contact the customers, to keep them in touch and updated about our organization and the products, we are dealing with.  

5. Future predicted - Change is the essence of life. Though predicting the changes in the upcoming sales phenomenon, is difficult, a study of past trends can help us predict the future, to a certain extent.  
A view of customer needs, the flow of order of levels, customer's demands, if any, can help us understand trends of customer behavior, and thus helps us planning our business in the most effective and efficient way. SFA, also helps us getting alerts about the right things to be kept in mind, for chalking out any future plans related to sales.

SFA, works to uncover gaps between business processes. The key undertaking is to keep the right information saved through a SFA software, in order to enhance customer relationship, resulting in enhanced sales thus framing a successful business organization.

So what are you waiting for!! Take a look at some of the most amazing SFA softwares to solve your Sales problems.

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