
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How SFA can Eradicate Sales Problems

The  technique of using  software,  so as to,  automate the  business  task  of  sales,  including  order  processing and tracking,  contact  management  and control, , customer management, sales forecast  analysis  and employee  performance  evaluation  is termed as Sales  Force  Automation (SFA).  SFA (Sales  Automation  Software) is also referred as Customer Relation Management (CRM), typically  includes  a Web-ready database, an email  package and customized  templates, so as to reduce programming  demands on clients, though can be customized. It helps in making the sales process more efficient and effective. In order to enhance customer satisfaction, building trust, revealing up selling and cross selling opportunities, making the sales more productive as well as pleasant experience, SFA plays an important role
SFA, facilities sales, in the following ways: